Oh no!! I promise I didn't forget... its just cause things have been so hectic... and then my pc went looney and blah blah (I know there's no reason for me to be late) sigh okei, now I will say this (with capital letters for a better effect)... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!... altho a tiny bit belated.... well if I can't be first, I'll have to be the last right? :D:D ho ho okei I think Josh has something to say now...
You're the best ever, and I could never hope for more!you're amazingly HOT! and I have no idea why you love me! You're the awesomest and I think I'm gonna marry you one day! I'm forever yours!! When you're not on, I have to listen to my annoying brother and sister (and that drives me insane) but when you go on, you make all my problems go away... you're amazing, the best love I ever had (omg i'm so bad at this), so i'll end it here... I love you so much!
Darnn I'm sooo sorry this got to you so late... oh well.. I love you girl! you rock, rock awesome!!
You're the best ever, and I could never hope for more!you're amazingly HOT! and I have no idea why you love me! You're the awesomest and I think I'm gonna marry you one day! I'm forever yours!! When you're not on, I have to listen to my annoying brother and sister (and that drives me insane) but when you go on, you make all my problems go away... you're amazing, the best love I ever had (omg i'm so bad at this), so i'll end it here... I love you so much!
Darnn I'm sooo sorry this got to you so late... oh well.. I love you girl! you rock, rock awesome!!
Methinks I will make this a weekly post... when Sunday nights or sometimes Saturday nights i can't sleep and I'm too tired to lie down to sleep, and my dad's too lazy to take the pc away.... (thankfully).
As of now I have to say this week has been one of the longest... maybe its cause I have missed talking to my 'future guy' or maybe its the fact that I miss all of you and my conversations (over the chat or elsewhere) sum up to no more then 3-5 mins at a time... its kinda frustrating and wow... another week has gone by...
Its been dreadful but i am thankful it is all over....
Oh oh I just finished watching Star Trek! its soo awesome!!! if you haven't seen it, you better!! i love the story line and i have to say graphics totally rocked it!! whohooo...
okei i'm gone mad again... midnight lunacy you know... :D oho and its full moon tonight so i will be on my bed thinking... maybe writing... dreaming of all you .... (one of you in particular ;;) okei nighty nights i gotta turn in the pc before its confiscated tomorro (or in the morning ... gee i dunno what to call it :D) I have to say... I love you! :)
And now its time for a cup of tea.....
As of now I have to say this week has been one of the longest... maybe its cause I have missed talking to my 'future guy' or maybe its the fact that I miss all of you and my conversations (over the chat or elsewhere) sum up to no more then 3-5 mins at a time... its kinda frustrating and wow... another week has gone by...
Its been dreadful but i am thankful it is all over....
Oh oh I just finished watching Star Trek! its soo awesome!!! if you haven't seen it, you better!! i love the story line and i have to say graphics totally rocked it!! whohooo...
okei i'm gone mad again... midnight lunacy you know... :D oho and its full moon tonight so i will be on my bed thinking... maybe writing... dreaming of all you .... (one of you in particular ;;) okei nighty nights i gotta turn in the pc before its confiscated tomorro (or in the morning ... gee i dunno what to call it :D) I have to say... I love you! :)
And now its time for a cup of tea.....
The Smell of Rain
I open my eyes and dreamily gaze out the open window. The wind blows loud and clear and dark clouds form overhead as I walk out the balcony, a smile forms on my face. Lightning crack the sky and my hair goes wild, I let the wind softly caress my face, neck, shoulders, ankles and every inch of exposed skin.
The rain is coming, bringing the essence of life all around me. I look up and close my eyes, to keep the memory of this feeling implanted on my memory. The first raindrops fall softly over me, leaving the sweetest sensation engraved on my skin as loud thunders overwhelm my being and the water falls; slowly at first, like soft kisses on my bare skin, in contrast to the wind, slowly picking up pace.
I feel every drop on my skin, I hear the wind as it softly blows around me, whispering nature's deepest secrets into my ear. Puddles form around my bare feet and I can hear every drop as it touches the ground, lightly splashing on the tiny bodies of water around my feet.
And with a blissful expression, I take in the very breath of life... The smell of rain.
The rain is coming, bringing the essence of life all around me. I look up and close my eyes, to keep the memory of this feeling implanted on my memory. The first raindrops fall softly over me, leaving the sweetest sensation engraved on my skin as loud thunders overwhelm my being and the water falls; slowly at first, like soft kisses on my bare skin, in contrast to the wind, slowly picking up pace.
I feel every drop on my skin, I hear the wind as it softly blows around me, whispering nature's deepest secrets into my ear. Puddles form around my bare feet and I can hear every drop as it touches the ground, lightly splashing on the tiny bodies of water around my feet.
And with a blissful expression, I take in the very breath of life... The smell of rain.
Re: Update on baby William
Guyss!! Just got news.... and updates on William.... Thank you sooo much to all of you out there praying for him! this means the world to me!!
So the main thing is this... he's getting better... but he still needs a LOT of prayers both him and his parents...
Got a letter from Anim's dad (who is with her at this time)... here's an except of it...
Here's the main points summarized for prayer request that we see at this time:
> Deliverance from this serious, life threatening skin disease
> For praise for the healing of wounds Jesus has performed already - an emaciated entire ear, raw & bloodied - now almost normal shape & the red soreness down to one tiny small spot; wonderful progress in the healing of a large, open, burn-type sore surrounding his belly button/umbillical cord tip - about 70% healed; his left leg, from the toe up to a little above his knee, raw to the point of almost being down to the muscle tissue - now healed aproximately 40- 50%
> Continued healing of present flesh wounds
> Against scarring, and body parts - hands, arms, feet & legs, fingers & toes etc. - losing range of motion as new skin tissue forms.
> Protection from side effects of morphine & pain killers.
> Against infection of any sort - our main enemy at this time - for miraculous protection for William's vulnerable open wounds.
> Against the blisters reaching into William's eyes & effecting his vision & sight.
> Against blistering in William's mouth & throat, that could potentially make feeding extremely difficult.
> Against developing a diaper rash - which of course could be very complicated to deal with on top of everything else.
>For William's health overall, against any sickness whatsoever. Even a simple cold could disrupt his eating, which is so very vital to his skin's healing process right now.
> For the Lord & His spirit helpers to minister to William's sweet spirit.
> For the staff & all of us to find the least painful & best way to dress & treat his wounds to aid in new skin tissue to grow (so far, the dressing changes have been pretty traumatic for the little fellow, and a real challenge to perfect – it was once daily, but now we're trying every other day) and also maintain his comfort through the correct delicate balance of pain medicine. (update today: his dressing change went very well, and we were finished in a record time of only ONE hour, as opposed to FOUR hours of painful crying & screaming! – TYJ! And it was done with very little discomfort to William, and best of all, once the old dressing was removed, it revealed his skin tissues healing wonderfully!! – PLEASE keep praying, Dear Family!!)
> For continued good relations & unity with the staff. Also for witnessing opportunities with each of them.
> For our sample & witness.
> For our physical & spiritual strength & stamina.
> For Anim's continued faith, strength, peace & trust. She's been an incredible sample to all of calm strength, and winning the respect & admiration of many, and the comment of one of the main Doctors saying he "is very impressed by her".
> For good, feeding Word time, & personal time with Jesus.
> For Anim's continued recovery from her childbirth - (which she did WONDERFULLY at)
> For the Lord's supply & finances for personal needs & housing during William's soon coming long-term care.
> For Ezra, of Anim, William's daddy, to secure a visa to be able to come to the U.S. to join us & be with his family.
Just look at him... isn't he the most adorable thing ever?! totally worth praying for ;)
okei, there's a lot happening just so much i don't have time to post anything else... :O:O i knoww but yes and please please continue to keep him in your prayers!! I know the lord can do it, I just know it! okei i have to end the post here... I love you!
Name thingies:
Open Letters,
Ppl. in my life,
Midnight struggle
Its past midnight.... again... and here i am typing my fingers away with random "midnighty thoughts" what am i supposed to do with them? ...
I should go to sleep... i really should... but i was hoping... again.... that maybe someone will go online and i would actually talk to them ... not for 5 mins like lately... sigh...... but its alright, i guess... i really need my shut-eye time but i won't... my body refuses to sleep at night, it refuses to sleep early morning... it refuses my naps.... not that i actually want to miss out on such an amazing thing as sleep... no, no.... it could maybe be the fact that i can't wait to talk to ... umm yeah.... anyways... my eyes are closing in from of the pc... i should really get to bed... but nooo... i can't... i should wait a bit longer...
alright.... i'm getting the weird thoughts.... i should go to sleep... sigh.... goodnight world
P.S..... and if i die in my sleep, the world will know i loved you to my last breath....
P.S.S... I really want that monkey!!!!
Name thingies:
Random stuff,
Desperate prayer Needed!
Desperate prayer needed!
From Windy's Blog...20 03 2010
Estie’s 2 day old baby nephew (William) is in a very serious condition. He has what is called Epidermolysis bullosa or also commonly known as the Butterfly disease. This sickness causes his skin to open up in blisters similar to a 3rd degree burn whenever any sort of friction (including touch) is applied to his skin.
So please, keep him in your prayers as many children don’t survive this disease because the pain is very severe and they can’t handle it, and the ones that do… well, this sickness is for life, which means the sores are for life.
Please, please, please pray that the Lord will do a miracle and completely heal her from this disease even though there is not a cure and nothing doctors can do, we have the best doctor in the whole universe!
But also, if it’s His will for this little baby boy to go back to his arms, that it will be very easy for Anim and her husband.
So please, I ask you to join this prayer chain and re-post this in your own blog and send it to your email contacts. United prayer has amazing power, so let’s do all we can to see this miracle through!
So please, keep him in your prayers as many children don’t survive this disease because the pain is very severe and they can’t handle it, and the ones that do… well, this sickness is for life, which means the sores are for life.
Please, please, please pray that the Lord will do a miracle and completely heal her from this disease even though there is not a cure and nothing doctors can do, we have the best doctor in the whole universe!
But also, if it’s His will for this little baby boy to go back to his arms, that it will be very easy for Anim and her husband.
So please, I ask you to join this prayer chain and re-post this in your own blog and send it to your email contacts. United prayer has amazing power, so let’s do all we can to see this miracle through!
Anim and Ez, we will be praying for you! Keep on going strong for the Lord, when we are weak, it is then that HE is strong and through him NOTHING is impossible! The Lord knows what’s best, and I know it will all work out in the end! We love you!
Thanks so much Windy! I really appreciate you posting this... Love you!!
Hey, soul sister
Today i bumped into this song.... i thinks its adorable!!
I liked it a little bit too much :D :D
I liked it a little bit too much :D :D
Mum! its your birthday! wow you've come so far and i admire your for ... well everything! words aren't enough and they fail me at this very moment.... but yeah i know the Lord will continue blessing you with many more years! I love you so much!
From Jesus:
I love you! There doesn't have to a be a reason or an explanation for it, and there is no need for words to describe anything.
It's a fact and there should be no doubt... I love YOU! I'm crazy for you, hopelessly, completely and utterly in love with you! There is nothing I would not do for you and I would do anything to make you happy!
Your failures and your flaws... I overlook them all and everything I see you do is beautiful. You are wonderful, amazing, beautiful, and I.... love you!
Human words fail to describe the magnitude of my love for you which is perfect, whole, pure.
Each person I have placed in your life and everything that makes you smile (a friends, a lover, a thought), it's all but a drop in the ocean of my never ending love for you.
My love for you is constant, it's always there, it is something you can rely on; somewhere to run to when in need, it is never changing, yet always growing.
And ever though you may fall and your mind is weak, even though your frail human nature tends to pull you down and apart, my love will be there to understand, pick you up, to pull you back together and help you try again.
So honey dear, come to me, let me wrap you up in the whirlwind of my love; let the rush of it sweep over you and clear you mind. Close your eyes and feel my love around you....
Because I... I LOVE YOU!
Name thingies:
Open Letters,
Ppl. in my life
Birthdays... birthdays...
Ez! its your birthday... Big brother... wow you're..... OLD!!! ahaha well its nighttime and um should have done this in the morning but better late then never right? :D
Happy Birthday!! umm yeah I should have gotten some present for you but umm.... I couldn't think of anything to give to you.... so I guess that's why it made me feel better to make my kick-ass chocolate cake for all of us :D :D Btw... the ice cream was great too .... but i didn't make that one...
Well I hope this year brings a lot of blessings and pleasant surprises.... congrats on you soon to come baby (and my soon to be nephew) ;) and I hope you get there on time for the birth.... I pray this year is the bestest ever!! and that your family will keep growing ;) you know ... "our family" :D:D Love you! :)
I would also like to mention:
Happy Birthday!! umm yeah I should have gotten some present for you but umm.... I couldn't think of anything to give to you.... so I guess that's why it made me feel better to make my kick-ass chocolate cake for all of us :D :D Btw... the ice cream was great too .... but i didn't make that one...
Well I hope this year brings a lot of blessings and pleasant surprises.... congrats on you soon to come baby (and my soon to be nephew) ;) and I hope you get there on time for the birth.... I pray this year is the bestest ever!! and that your family will keep growing ;) you know ... "our family" :D:D Love you! :)
I would also like to mention:
- The eldest of my brothers and sisters Ben... sorry I never got to really know you... just wanted to let you know i'm praying for you and i hope this year is better then the last! Happy Birthday!! (don't have a pic of you.... :-S)
Today was...
Annoying! really annoying! everything seemed to be opposing my every move, but the fact that I had some great word time earlier in the afternoon was what pulled me through the late afternoon -- that and the thought of a certain someone... :)
Morning was late... very late, I had a jumpstart no one else had so everything was soo late... by the time we were done with devo. it was 11 and just then the doorbell rang... it was a man who came for some word... (I'll tell the whole story later) he stayed till 1 pm. (time wich i used for school and reading the XN and posting the 16 reasons post)
Early afternoon was kinda dull (except for my super-awesome wort time :) ) ... dad went out and came back with the idea that we should all go outreaching.... (yay?) we did....
Witnessing was a little slow for my team -Johnny and I- we couldn't do much cause I had a massive headache for the whole while.
By the time we got to the car was 9:30 pm and guess what?.... the car baterry... DEAD!! (yup, just my luck) stuck downtown in the dead of the night great!
We tried stopping so many cars to help... nobody had the car wires.... my dad had taken them out earlier and forgotten to put them back in.... so yeah we were messed up.... an hour later a taxi decided to stop and help us (phew TYJ!!!)
I came back and i got online... just now.... to the sweetest most amazing offline ever which made the whole "voyage" of the day comepletely worth it!!
So yeah that was my day.... I shold go to bed now... we're having people over tomorro for word classes and i need all the sleep i can get....
16 Terrific Reasons for Investing in Your Education
Eekk I've been running away from school lately.... but this morning I bumped into the last XN and ran across this article thing....
16 Terrific Reasons for Investing in Your Education
(By Jesus:)
1. A good foundation in education will enhance and broaden your usefulness.
2. It'll open certain doors that you wouldn't otherwise be able to enter.
3. Society expects a certain level of education from professionals, and this helps you better relate to and reach the educated and labor leaders.
4. It will make you a more well-rounded missionary.
5. It will prepare you for opportunities you may not be expecting today.
6. It will make you more versatile in your gifts and knowledge base.
7. A lack of education reflects poorly on your discipline and priorities as an individual.
8. Studying teaches you self-discipline.
9. Studying teaches you accountability.
10. Studying teaches you how to process information in a constructive, useful way.
11. Studying exercises your memory and helps you with mental focus.
12. Studying teaches you how to set goals and achieve them.
13. Studying helps you to learn about yourself—your interests, the way you think, your study habits.
14. Studying provides you with resources and leads to other resources and useful interests.
15. Studying helps you learn how to set and choose priorities.
16. Studying teaches you how to find the information you need, where to look for it and how to process it, and life teaches you how to apply that information.
("Devotional: Education for Life," ML #3780:133)
... Now imagine you had the chance to become a professional in any area you wanted to... ofc it's gonna take time and efforts on your part... but if you could.... would you?
Which is why I'm keeping going to Uni an option for my future.....
16 Terrific Reasons for Investing in Your Education
(By Jesus:)
1. A good foundation in education will enhance and broaden your usefulness.
2. It'll open certain doors that you wouldn't otherwise be able to enter.
3. Society expects a certain level of education from professionals, and this helps you better relate to and reach the educated and labor leaders.
4. It will make you a more well-rounded missionary.
5. It will prepare you for opportunities you may not be expecting today.
6. It will make you more versatile in your gifts and knowledge base.
7. A lack of education reflects poorly on your discipline and priorities as an individual.
8. Studying teaches you self-discipline.
9. Studying teaches you accountability.
10. Studying teaches you how to process information in a constructive, useful way.
11. Studying exercises your memory and helps you with mental focus.
12. Studying teaches you how to set goals and achieve them.
13. Studying helps you to learn about yourself—your interests, the way you think, your study habits.
14. Studying provides you with resources and leads to other resources and useful interests.
15. Studying helps you learn how to set and choose priorities.
16. Studying teaches you how to find the information you need, where to look for it and how to process it, and life teaches you how to apply that information.
("Devotional: Education for Life," ML #3780:133)
... Now imagine you had the chance to become a professional in any area you wanted to... ofc it's gonna take time and efforts on your part... but if you could.... would you?
Which is why I'm keeping going to Uni an option for my future.....
whut's wrong with me....?
this is confusing.... how am i supposed to react to it? i mean why is it bothering me so much?
Umm.... what's 'It'?
'It' is the fact that there's new people coming to the city.... like there's these people who are opening a new home here.... and I don't know how to react.... when i first heard these 'news' my negative side jumped up alongside my sarcastic nature and i had all these thoughts that i wondered where they came from.... but thinking about it... it has its good side too.... I mean...
I could be glad:
Umm.... what's 'It'?
'It' is the fact that there's new people coming to the city.... like there's these people who are opening a new home here.... and I don't know how to react.... when i first heard these 'news' my negative side jumped up alongside my sarcastic nature and i had all these thoughts that i wondered where they came from.... but thinking about it... it has its good side too.... I mean...
I could be glad:
- cause of the fact that there will be more people to fellowship with
- that more people are coming to help us with our 'flock' even tho they will not be living with us
- there will actually be teen girls around to hang out with (my antisocial side opposes this... )
- cause (as far as i heard) they want to collaborate with us to have activities (donno what)
- and much more.... i think
- the fact that we have been here 'sowing' for 13 years and now that people are finally receptive they decide to show up for the 'reaping'...
- knowing they could have gone to ANY city anywhere in Mex... and they decide THIS city....
A pic....
yeah.... umm.... random :D but the other day i found the camera and i thot of taking pics.... well not such a good idea.... I looked hideous and umm pics looked horrible....
clara knows how to take the bestest pictures so she got the cam and took well.... hideous pics... i mean the pics are as hideous as the model is so umm....
i thought of someone....someone who can bring out my best smile.... i blushed at the instant which is why i'm looking down....
Windyy!! my beautiful uhh.... 'twin sister' (I love it how ppl would to confuse us at the cervantino :P:P but i still don't get it why they'd compare ME to your beautiness)...
Its your BIRTHDAY!! you're a voting member now!! Eekk!! ok don't panic its all gonna be fine... i think!
you're an amazing friend and your maturity is waay beyond your age I truly admire you!
I love it how you can be so childish and funny but still very mature at the same time :)
And I'm incredibly sorry for not being able to make it to your amazing party.... but I promise I'll make it up to you! :) I love you tonss!! and I hope this year comes in with so many incredible surprises and amazing blessings!! cause you only deserve the best!! Congrats!!
(Hugs you warmly) .... Btw.... i just put this pic (taken at the cervantino so ppl. could see how much alike -not- we look like ;) love you!)
This is a short vid put together by Kwan from some friends who love you!
Love is....
Strange, unpredictable, forever. A feeling that makes your heart fly. It's strong, incredible.... almost surreal. The thing that helps you pull through when nothing else will.
Love is insane, passionate, atomic. It knows no beginning or end. Love just happens.
Love is the music your heartbeat makes when your lips are silenced by a KISS. It's the essence of life, a breath of the purest air. Love is beautiful.
Love is frustrating, confusing, annoying.... but it's always, completely worth it.
Love is not just a word, it's an action; not a feeling... an emotion. Love is constant and although the intensity may vary with each situation... it's always there. Love never ends.
Love is not "You" or "Me" but it's "Us".
Love is... all you will ever need!
A poll....
Hear hear... Take a look at the sidebar.... right under my list of awesome blogs :D and right above the visitor map ;) yeah i posted a poll..... I'm indecisive and i need to make up my mind.... and your opinion counts! love you!! :)
Ahhh!! My ... My Comments!!! :-S
Something bad happened.... something really really bad..... All of my Amazing comments from all of you.... are all... GONE! I don't know what happened.... must have glitched or something ughh!! Oh well.... too bad :( I guess we'll have to start again form scratch.... TYJ for "new beginnings right?"
The Best Things in Life
One day while browsing idly on the net I found this pic... I made it mine!! :D:D
let me add up some of my stuff too...
![]() |
let me add up some of my stuff too...
- My amazing friends
- LJ time :)
- Music!
- Poetry
- Massages :)
- Kissing in the rain
- Stargazing
- Skin contact ;)
- Cheese!
- Food....
- Extreme sports
- Roller coasters
- Adrenaline Rushes
- Dancing Slowly
- Making out
- Being in love
- Staying up late because you've been talking to someone you love
- Alcoholic drinks ;) :P
- Going online at school time and right after lunch
- Quiet Time/P&P Time
- Long Naps
- Skipping school
- Cuddles/cuddling
- Long, warm hugs from the people you love the most
- And Ice Cream! :)
Note: i found this in my computer the other day... by Johnny. I told him I'd post it to see how many ppl. would comment... If more then 3 ppl. comment I won the bet... guys... you really have to help me here!!
By Uncle Johnny:
Spaghetti (shlurps)
spaghetti the food of gods the rose of blah bla blah cut to the point
spaghetti; good food basicly pasta and tomato sauce
but when Johnny, (me) prepares its like heaven on earth its like all the sensations in one: eating
soo anyways i was cooking spaghetti (really good stuff), soo i have the onions and garlic ready the in blender, the salt, pepper, the secret ingridients and the water, all ready but... theres no bloody tomato!!!
so me (Johnny) had to improvise, so im there making green pasta and.... whuut? theres no mushrooms!!! (JOhnny goes Nuts) WTF...ck!
(note green pasta is not the same with out mushrums besides it adds it an extra mushy sensation to your collection {of sensations} )
mom commes over- "whats up Johnny, whats all the commotion?"
"theres, theres no mushrooms"
mom is like- "and?"
"and? and? what are you talking about?"
"there is plenty of other stuff you can put on it"
mom walks off...
ok no need to panic we can always put other stuff on it right? :D
JOhnny resumes his chores and start to cut other veggies he in fact is so cheerfull he start singing the 'Yellow' song by coldplay:P (just imagine him there singing with a spoon)
(this is totaly unnesesary and has just been added to bother Johnny :D)
he continues and in fact he sings it again and again
till Ester comes in to the kitchen
"whats cookin?" she asks
"spaghetti! yummie right?"
" um...yeah..."
Ester doesn't want to ruin Johnnys day but feels the need to. so out of the blue...
"guess WHAT JOHNNY?!?!"
"whut? oh no, dont tell me..."
"yep, how did you know there was no...?"
"STUPID PASTAAAAAHHH!!!!!"(this is the part were you guys use your imagination and imagine Johnny (me) cursing my touge out at a spoon!! the verry same one he was singing at:P)
"WTF?! we ran out of pasta about a week ago and no one f...ing told me!!!... and me being such an optimist planing my pasta for days :( arrrhhhggg this makes me want to rip your eyes out im so mad!!"
Ester freaks out and runs for her dear life...
soo in the end i made some weird russian soup that tasted like sh...t if you compare it to the excuisite (and im not even sure thats a word)
pasta i make. oh well wtv like grandpa once said: Johnny go to bed ...
(Endnote:) this has been the drama of the day. For more of these stories please order the full book to my nonexistent email: dramalife@coldmail.com and if you're one of the fist 10 people who call at the number 1-800-LOADS-OF-CRAP for a bonus read-along CD FOR FREE!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
To my awesomely cool and amazing brother! You've been the brother I can always look up to, been to so many places and back, someone i truly admire. Keep it up! Love you and miss you a lot! Wish you only the best on this year! (and hopefully will be able to see you soon) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
One of those nights....
Its one of those sleepless nights I just love spending in the bathroom in company of my laptop... well... usually its not with my laptop usually is with a pen and a piece of paper where i write the most random thoughts. my laptop ... its (on normal nights) confiscated... but tonite... my dad just fell asleep and left it on my hands... puahahhaha
Its 1:30 am... I was hoping.... someone would go on... but i know he won't cause... cause he said he most likely wouldn't and its not the time i'm normally on
so i'm idly browsing on the net.... and looking for random pictures that might come in handy one day for random future posts ... I bumped into some lame ones.. others are just really random, others are funny... and others are... well they just are :)
here's some....

Its 1:30 am... I was hoping.... someone would go on... but i know he won't cause... cause he said he most likely wouldn't and its not the time i'm normally on
so i'm idly browsing on the net.... and looking for random pictures that might come in handy one day for random future posts ... I bumped into some lame ones.. others are just really random, others are funny... and others are... well they just are :)
here's some....
Ohh well Its 2 am already... i should go to sleep now.... night!
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