Fluuunk!! and flunk once more... what's wrong with me?! I read that book ... i really did 3 freaken times!!! gosh what the heaven.... anyways yeah I flunked hard again... and it did sort of hurt my poor head... but hey like my dad told me (just after getting the test results...) "when you learn to take success and failure the same way then you will become a wo-man" so i said... ok lets go get ice cream :) hehehehh well that's 2 out of 4... can't be THAT bad can it? .................... ok it IS that bad...... I failed math1 and oooppss.... I sorta applied for math 2... draat!!! what was i thinking that i was actually smart enough to pass at the first... I mean who ever passes math at a first right?! NERDS!! lmao well, now i have another try (yay!)
About me pt.2
Because of (anonymous and multiple) demands I shall now post part 2 (of i'm not sure how many) of the 'about me series'... yeah whateveeerr.... just bear with me kay? :D
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: | I hereby pledge my allegiance Chocolate foreeeveeerrrr!! |
Big Mac or Whopper: | Big mac... |
Coke or Pepsi : | They're both unhealthy... but if it comes to that, I'd rather coke |
Beer or Wine: | depends on the occasion |
Coffee or Tea: | I would pick coffee if I could live without it |
Apple Juice or O.J.: | apple juice, orange juice, grape juice... what's the difference? |
Facebook or MySpace: | Seriously... those networking sites are just a waste of time and they fill up my mail with tonss of spam... but if had to pick one it'd be Facebook |
Summer or Winter: | summer... rainy summer!! |
Windows or Mac: | I like windows :D |
Cats or Dogs: | Well ... I'm not much of a cat lady... and dogs are so cuddly :D:D |
Boxers or Briefs: | There is a time for everything.... |
Rain or Shine : | Rain!! |
Chips or Popcorn: | chips :D |
Salty or Sweet: | sweet |
Plane or Boat: | depends... I think plane tho... |
Morning or Night: | nights! |
Movie or Play: | depends on what movie and what the game is.... |
Walk or Drive: | walking is good exercise... (OK I can now quit trying to be the 'healthy person' and be honest with my 'readers') I prefer driving even if it pollutes the air |
Money or Love: | Love!! |
Breakfast or Dinner: | does it matter? |
Forgiveness or Revenge: | Forgiveness.... I'm not good taking revenge |
Paint or Wallpaper: | paint |
House or Apartment: | Depends.... I like to have space so i think a house :D |
Truth or Dare: | dare me to tell you the truth |
Contacts or Glasses: | Contacts |
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: | Dr. Pepper!! |
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: | Ok... I like both! |
Skiing or Boarding: | boarding i think |
Silver or Gold: | Gold |
Diamond or pearl: | Diamond |
Sunset or Sunrise: | Sunsets... -sigh- |
Phone or in person: | In person!! but if its not possible phone is better then nothing :D |
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: | somewhere around the youngest and middle |
Indoor or Outdoor: | Depends on my mood... |
Do You?
Have Any Pets: | umm yeah... |
Have Any Children: | I like to think i once had one... :D |
Smoke: | NO WAY!! |
Drink: | sometimes |
Exercise: | when i feel like it |
Spend Your Life On Facebook: | umm.. no |
Play On A Sports Team: | not anymore |
Belong To Any Organizations: | Yeah! |
Love Your Job: | Totally! |
Like To Cook: | Love it |
Play An Instrument: | 3! |
Sing: | if you don't mind the glass breaking |
Dance: | sometimes |
Speak Multiple Languages: | 2 |
Ice Skate: | never done it |
Swim: | YES! |
Paint: | occasionaly |
Write: | a LOT! |
Ski: | I haven't yet |
Juggle: | not so good.... |
Do you wish you lived somewhere else?: | sometimes I do... |
Do you like roller coasters?: | Hell yeah |
Enjoy spending time with your Mother?: | sometimes |
Ever think about the price of gasoline?: | yeah ofc... its the endtime :D |
Sleep with a fan on?: | whenever I can |
Have a good handle on spelling?: | pretty much |
Ever type "kik" instead of "lol?: | ahh no... |
Know how to play chess?: | never been able to altho it seems like a good sport |
Ever miss being a little kid?: | most of the time |
Want to get married?: | Yeah... someday... |
I fell in love....
Yes! I fell in desperately and hopelessly in love.... with art again!! The magic created by the strokes of a lead pencil against plain white paper creating an image of beauty and perfection, giving life to things only imaginable.
So um the other day (yeah some days back) I got a pencil, and i started doodling... and I guess this is the best i have been able to do .....
So um the other day (yeah some days back) I got a pencil, and i started doodling... and I guess this is the best i have been able to do .....
So with my left hand I can draw like this:
Ok, ok, that was crayons but hey, they make good art supplies too :)
So that's a little stick(person) being catapulted into the ... water i guess.. and feeling the rush of adrenaline as he says 'Weeee' (meaning he's having a lot of fun and enjoying it)
I got major teasing about this one ... but that's another story :D so yeah that's the best i could do with my left... see? i told you i can use both my hands awesomely...
so my left hand can only aspire to draw like this:
Well this is my right hand... best I have done yet.
I had only tried drawing out of a picture... never succeeding but this... this is my first (of many to come) masterpiece taken from a picture :)
sigh... gosh i love those eyes! like, seriously! I got to appreciate this guy much more when I took in perspective the whole picture to draw it, every little detail... ahh the eyes... i love the eyes... :) okei enough about the eyes...ahem, (don't tell him i put this picture here okei? ;) :D)
Hey, maybe I'll draw pictures of all my friends and post them here eh? ok too much blabber.for one day... laters ppl! :)
You were always the 'big sis', the one i wanted to be like when i grew up, my role model :). gee... you taught me how to read, write, (and art... i think), and i wouldn't be surprised if you were the one who taught how to walk and talk.
You were there for me a lot of times and even tho you moved out and i grew up, and a lot changed in me, you have always been one of my fav. sisters (shh don't tell the rest :D).
I hope this year is the best yet! Love you and hope to see you soon.
You were there for me a lot of times and even tho you moved out and i grew up, and a lot changed in me, you have always been one of my fav. sisters (shh don't tell the rest :D).
I hope this year is the best yet! Love you and hope to see you soon.
Name thingies:
Open Letters,
Ppl. in my life
ahhh Steph its your birthday! Wow! you're 15 and how time flies by.... You're such an amazing, wonderful and beautiful (not to say talented) girl. I hope you have tons of fun with Sandy... and damn, I'm so sorry i couldn't make it to your party which i know will be Kick ass! I hope this year come with a lot of incredible surprises!! I love you!
Ahhh! Johnny... youre 14 already!! and today... its like your birthday... and I'm like supposed to be nice to you and stuff.... yeahh and I forgot about the prank i was gonna play on you :O:O but since i'm supposed to be nice, i'll do it some other time. umm I think there was something i was supposed to say... oh yeah.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!... altho i dunno how happy it'll be if i ruin your bday cake :D:D
so um i was gonna put up a ridiculous pic of you... but i know you're gonna have a meaner come-back (I knows it) so i'll keep it to myself and put up a decent one or something. :D:D
well this year's gotta be better then last so you make it rock kay? i'll do my best to annoy the hell out of you (cause that's what older ppl. are for :D) gahhaha Oh and I hope this year you STOP READING MY MIND!! (get's kinda annoying sometimes ;) :D ) -oh crap.... i still dunnno what to give you- :D haha and its like school time so i better leave the pc to you ;)
so um i was gonna put up a ridiculous pic of you... but i know you're gonna have a meaner come-back (I knows it) so i'll keep it to myself and put up a decent one or something. :D:D
well this year's gotta be better then last so you make it rock kay? i'll do my best to annoy the hell out of you (cause that's what older ppl. are for :D) gahhaha Oh and I hope this year you STOP READING MY MIND!! (get's kinda annoying sometimes ;) :D ) -oh crap.... i still dunnno what to give you- :D haha and its like school time so i better leave the pc to you ;)
Name thingies:
Ppl. in my life,
Aahh (like Windy would say...) I'm bushed! No... seriously, do I even know what's up with me? So much, like in a slow-mo blur kinda thing ... not being clear ... sorry :D
So to begin... its been a really annoying kinda week.. really! like my dad wasn't home (and me being a slacker at school :O:O) and then it went by so fast .... and so slow in a funny kinda way you know?... no you don't... that kinda things only happen to me -feeling special- (somebody please burst my bubble and tell me you know what its like....)
So anyways remember the ppl. who were moving to the city and i was like NOOOO about them? well i was getting used to the idea and i sorta kinda maybe i really liked it after all... like TEENS!!... not only in the city but MY AGE!! and not only that but same gender! (like what was wrong with meee?!) no more me being alone on lonely weekends right?! well guess what?! They're not coming here anymore! (yeash talk about bursting bubbles). They phoned yesterday... and said they were thankful we were willing to let them be here (whether we wanted it or not), and that they were invited to this other city and they decided on going there... (great! so much for the excitement of more ppl. my age FINALLY...) well whatever... i mean I'm almost done with school and I'm taking off almost as soon as i'm 18 and have the money to go elsewhere... (yeah now i'm planning... and hoping against hope that somehow maybe that's the right thing to be doing right now....)
Talk about school... something I should be doing right now... I just remember.... I have 4 exams this weekend... 4 exams!!! ughTYJ hopefully i will pass them ahhh LHM!
On another subject... Saturday was actually pretty amazing.... -smiles- I got to talk to friends i hadn't talked to in... what felt like... AGES! Aand... there were no Scout activities... ummm I dunno if that's like good or bad... cause I was invited to this annual camp they were gunna have this weekens (This year they were gonna go to this random place and we were supposed to build our shelters and stuff... Like survival Sam! -beams-) Buuut... because i wasn't actually gunna sleep in a tent my mom said I couldn't go... bummer? well i don't think i have the mental capacity of comparing that to the chat(s) I had with my 'friend'(s) which BTW were tootally awesome!
So what happened on saturday? These ppl. from this nearby city came by with their teenage daughter (kinda younger then me but hey, a friend is a friend right?) and we had... -drum rolls pls.-
How freaken awesome is that?! ok... i'm being exagg but hey it was fun :D so here's what.... I WILL post them.... but you're gonna have to either love... or forgive my totally freaky/constipated-looking faces okei?!... cause these are... just totally weird :D
OK OK too much crazy/weird/strange-ness for one post.... LOVE N' Peace... yeah like hippies... :D
So to begin... its been a really annoying kinda week.. really! like my dad wasn't home (and me being a slacker at school :O:O) and then it went by so fast .... and so slow in a funny kinda way you know?... no you don't... that kinda things only happen to me -feeling special- (somebody please burst my bubble and tell me you know what its like....)
So anyways remember the ppl. who were moving to the city and i was like NOOOO about them? well i was getting used to the idea and i sorta kinda maybe i really liked it after all... like TEENS!!... not only in the city but MY AGE!! and not only that but same gender! (like what was wrong with meee?!) no more me being alone on lonely weekends right?! well guess what?! They're not coming here anymore! (yeash talk about bursting bubbles). They phoned yesterday... and said they were thankful we were willing to let them be here (whether we wanted it or not), and that they were invited to this other city and they decided on going there... (great! so much for the excitement of more ppl. my age FINALLY...) well whatever... i mean I'm almost done with school and I'm taking off almost as soon as i'm 18 and have the money to go elsewhere... (yeah now i'm planning... and hoping against hope that somehow maybe that's the right thing to be doing right now....)
Talk about school... something I should be doing right now... I just remember.... I have 4 exams this weekend... 4 exams!!! ughTYJ hopefully i will pass them ahhh LHM!
On another subject... Saturday was actually pretty amazing.... -smiles- I got to talk to friends i hadn't talked to in... what felt like... AGES! Aand... there were no Scout activities... ummm I dunno if that's like good or bad... cause I was invited to this annual camp they were gunna have this weekens (This year they were gonna go to this random place and we were supposed to build our shelters and stuff... Like survival Sam! -beams-) Buuut... because i wasn't actually gunna sleep in a tent my mom said I couldn't go... bummer? well i don't think i have the mental capacity of comparing that to the chat(s) I had with my 'friend'(s) which BTW were tootally awesome!
So what happened on saturday? These ppl. from this nearby city came by with their teenage daughter (kinda younger then me but hey, a friend is a friend right?) and we had... -drum rolls pls.-
How freaken awesome is that?! ok... i'm being exagg but hey it was fun :D so here's what.... I WILL post them.... but you're gonna have to either love... or forgive my totally freaky/constipated-looking faces okei?!... cause these are... just totally weird :D
Ahh great first pic.... right? .... forgive... the faces... :D |
Seriously... WTH!! |
OK... up-side-down pics are.... whatever |
Ok... so we needed a NORMAL pic... to smooth things out... ;) |
Hippies!! ... sorta? (ignore my 'high' face) |
Smugness... :> |
Charro Hats! |
Uhh... ok? |
Name thingies:
About me,
Ppl. in my life,
Random stuff,
The Awkward Situation Survival Guide
So around midnight... again... I was just randomly browsing on the web and i found this somewhere,... Hilarious indeed... :D
The Awkward Situation Survival Guide
Awkward silenceYou are talking to an acquaintance or having dinner with your coworkers. The conversation suddenly comes to a crossroads and no one knows where to steer it. The silence has extended past the 6-second mark and the awkwardness is increasing exponentially. Worst of all, you were the last person to speak, so everyone thinks the awkwardness is your fault.
The Solution: Sudden, loud noise
You are having a great time, talking loudly, feeling like the life of the party. You are soaring on wings of confidence. You get a little too bold. Something offensive slips out.
Now everyone is staring at you and your confidence implodes like a punctured balloon. Suddenly you can't find anything to say. You are nothing. You are dirt. Your soul is soaking up shame like a sponge and you are beginning to weigh the value of your friendships against the magnitude of your embarrassment.
The Solution: Confuse...
... or redirect...
Getting caught staring
Sometimes you are ogling a pretty girl, sometimes you are trying to get a better look at a horribly misshapen person and sometimes you are just spacing out and your eyes happen to be pointing directly at someone.
Whatever the case, when you are caught, you will feel shame. Lots and lots of shame.
The Solution:
Encounters with close talkers
Conversations with close-talkers are usually only awkward on your end. They could be telling you about how they found ten miniature unicorns in their backyard and all you are thinking about is whether your breath stinks and exactly how to angle your head so that you aren't breathing on them, but it still kind of looks like you are paying attention.The Solution:
Unwanted conversation
I am painfully bad at avoiding/extricating myself from this one. I get sucked into all sorts of unwanted conversations about crazy political conspiracy theories, the annual budget for sports teams I don't care about, advanced scientific debates that I am woefully underprepared for and probing discussions about my breast health. One time, on a Greyhound bus ride to Seattle, I talked to a woman I didn't know for 7 hours about her divorce because I couldn't figure out how to end the conversation.
Generally, unwanted conversations happen unexpectedly, so there is very little you can do to avoid them.

The Solution: I have no idea; you tell me.
Responding to someone who isn't talking to you
The Solution: You have several options
Name thingies:
Random stuff,
Please pray..
Guys I need you to please, please pray for Rosie, a friend of mine (I don't know her very well but still) she needs desperate prayer for her health, this seems like an impossible situation but I know Jesus can heal her completely because he specializes on impossible situations... well here's what:
Please pray..
By: Rosie
(taken from her blog)
To explain the situation..I have been having joint pains for the past 6 months, and recently went to the hospital to get it checked. I took a blood test to see if I have any auto-immune diseases, and the results showed a high chance of me having Rheumatoid Arthritis*.
*Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes tissues lining the joints to become swollen, stiff, and painful (inflamed).
Over time, this inflammation may destroy the joint tissues. This can limit your daily activities and make it hard for you to walk and use your hands.
Rheumatoid arthritis is 2 to 3 times more common in women than in men. It often begins between the ages of 40 and 60.
They aren’t certain yet if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis or not, the doctor suggested that I take a specific test that would determine whether I have it or not. So, please pray that I don’t actually have it, and If it is the Lord’s Will, that I will be able to control it, and cure it.
Also, this has been keeping me up a lot at night, preventing me from getting the rest I really need. It often causes severe pain in my joints, or I’m worrying about it. So, please pray that I can sleep well at night and the rest that I need.
Pray that it won’t get any worse than it already is, and that it can be controlled.
(Update) I got my blood test results and they show I do have RA Please keep praying
Desperate prayer in the power of the keys can overcome all odds, reverse damage, and bring complete victory in even the most seemingly impossible situations.
Don't worry Rosie, we're all praying for you to get well I know it, I just know that the Lord can do this for you! I love you!
Guys keep this prayer chain going, I know the more people we get to pray for her the greater the testimony will be in the end!
Please pray..
By: Rosie
(taken from her blog)
To explain the situation..I have been having joint pains for the past 6 months, and recently went to the hospital to get it checked. I took a blood test to see if I have any auto-immune diseases, and the results showed a high chance of me having Rheumatoid Arthritis*.
*Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes tissues lining the joints to become swollen, stiff, and painful (inflamed).
Over time, this inflammation may destroy the joint tissues. This can limit your daily activities and make it hard for you to walk and use your hands.
Rheumatoid arthritis is 2 to 3 times more common in women than in men. It often begins between the ages of 40 and 60.
They aren’t certain yet if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis or not, the doctor suggested that I take a specific test that would determine whether I have it or not. So, please pray that I don’t actually have it, and If it is the Lord’s Will, that I will be able to control it, and cure it.
Also, this has been keeping me up a lot at night, preventing me from getting the rest I really need. It often causes severe pain in my joints, or I’m worrying about it. So, please pray that I can sleep well at night and the rest that I need.
Pray that it won’t get any worse than it already is, and that it can be controlled.
(Update) I got my blood test results and they show I do have RA Please keep praying
Desperate prayer in the power of the keys can overcome all odds, reverse damage, and bring complete victory in even the most seemingly impossible situations.
Don't worry Rosie, we're all praying for you to get well I know it, I just know that the Lord can do this for you! I love you!
Guys keep this prayer chain going, I know the more people we get to pray for her the greater the testimony will be in the end!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! welcome to the 17's man! :) I know this year will be super awesome for you! you're a great friend and I sure hope you keep on being the amazing person i know you are! KGFG!! Love you tons!! ...and again... Congrats!
I need to say it....
I trust you!
This morning I awoke... kinda groggily... Johnny cam in the room and said... "Well, there's still 15 minutes left" -Oh great, snooze time- :)
I closed my eyes and instantly, I was in this forest. Lush greenery all over... beautiful, amazing. I walked over to where I could hear a river flowing by... I could tell I wasn't alone. I got to the edge of the river and somehow I knew I was supposed to get to the other side; so I stood there feeling useless.
Jesus came up to my side and grabbed my hand; he squeezed it reassuringly as he looked into my eyes. He said, "Do you trust me?" I looked at him... puzzled. He took a step towards the water. -Still puzzled- "I trust you." I said with insecurity. He pulled me with him towards the water and said, "Do you trust me?" I stood there incredulously... -I think I know what's coming- "I ... I trust you." Butterflies filled my stomach.... -Yeah, I know what's coming- He said to me, "Then, come with me."
I walked over right besides where he was standing, as we stepped on the water... I was nervous, and I tried not to look down... it was impossible to look down when I was looking at his face.
He held my hand and talked to me... about intimate things. He told me so much, I wish I had recorded it... I realized then that we didn't cross the river... we were walking along with the flow... he kept talking to me, reassuring me, telling me things... I was scared cause I knew something was coming up... not only here and now but in my "real life"... Almost as if he read my mind, He reassured me He'd be there for me ... always... He spoke such sweet word... and again... I wish i could have recorded them.
We walked along the water to where we got to the edge of a waterfall. He turned to look intently in my eyes, "Do you trust me?" -It was impossible not to at this point- insecurely I said... "I trust you." And once more He said, "Do you trust me? even if what I ask of you seems like too much, even when you feel hopeless and trying times beat you, when your patience is tried and you're at the end of your rope... when the road gets dark ahead and you can't see a thing... Do you trust me?"
I bit my lip as I looked down the waterfall. In my mind I saw things I won't even try to remember; then all the past reassurance flooded my mind washing away all the doubts and fears. I looked into His eyes as I inwardly I let go of everything. My plans, my future, my present, my fears, my hopes and dreams... everything... except for Him. "I trust you."
He smiled and held me tight in his arms. As he let go of me He said, "Come with me." And He stepped out into thin air... -I couldn't help myself- "Seriously?" He smiled and held out His hand as he said, "You didn't actually think I'd let you fall... did you?"
A tingle of excitement filled the air. I took his hand and stepped into thin air as I looked into his face and said, "I trust you!"
I closed my eyes and instantly, I was in this forest. Lush greenery all over... beautiful, amazing. I walked over to where I could hear a river flowing by... I could tell I wasn't alone. I got to the edge of the river and somehow I knew I was supposed to get to the other side; so I stood there feeling useless.
Jesus came up to my side and grabbed my hand; he squeezed it reassuringly as he looked into my eyes. He said, "Do you trust me?" I looked at him... puzzled. He took a step towards the water. -Still puzzled- "I trust you." I said with insecurity. He pulled me with him towards the water and said, "Do you trust me?" I stood there incredulously... -I think I know what's coming- "I ... I trust you." Butterflies filled my stomach.... -Yeah, I know what's coming- He said to me, "Then, come with me."
I walked over right besides where he was standing, as we stepped on the water... I was nervous, and I tried not to look down... it was impossible to look down when I was looking at his face.
He held my hand and talked to me... about intimate things. He told me so much, I wish I had recorded it... I realized then that we didn't cross the river... we were walking along with the flow... he kept talking to me, reassuring me, telling me things... I was scared cause I knew something was coming up... not only here and now but in my "real life"... Almost as if he read my mind, He reassured me He'd be there for me ... always... He spoke such sweet word... and again... I wish i could have recorded them.
We walked along the water to where we got to the edge of a waterfall. He turned to look intently in my eyes, "Do you trust me?" -It was impossible not to at this point- insecurely I said... "I trust you." And once more He said, "Do you trust me? even if what I ask of you seems like too much, even when you feel hopeless and trying times beat you, when your patience is tried and you're at the end of your rope... when the road gets dark ahead and you can't see a thing... Do you trust me?"
I bit my lip as I looked down the waterfall. In my mind I saw things I won't even try to remember; then all the past reassurance flooded my mind washing away all the doubts and fears. I looked into His eyes as I inwardly I let go of everything. My plans, my future, my present, my fears, my hopes and dreams... everything... except for Him. "I trust you."
He smiled and held me tight in his arms. As he let go of me He said, "Come with me." And He stepped out into thin air... -I couldn't help myself- "Seriously?" He smiled and held out His hand as he said, "You didn't actually think I'd let you fall... did you?"
A tingle of excitement filled the air. I took his hand and stepped into thin air as I looked into his face and said, "I trust you!"
Name thingies:
Random stuff,
Hoho! Tuesday, Tuesday.... man such a nice day it was... what did make it so nice? weall the fact that I had Sandy here with me for a couple of hours :D -smugness- yesh! Sandy finally came to visit me... ofc picture session was a must :D so yes, here's what...
This would be Susie and I :D
Me, sandy, Johnny
Swimming in flowers :)
Um.. yeah :D
Sandy (standing), Susie (down there with me :)
And another one... (forgive the creepy faces)
No caption... :D
In the kiddie house!!
Me.... :D
So after taking these pics i went to look for nice places ... and had to take fluffy (my dod) with me... then this stupid dog just suddenly attacked him.... so I panicked and did the stupidest thing (yeah you guessed), I put my hand right there in the middle of everything.... the idiotic dog just BAM! bit me.... so yeah mom freaked out and wanted me to go have a vaccination.... yuck! i refused... hoho but i did have to eat like 3 Humongous garlics..... yuck!! but oh well at least i didn't have to get the injection.... eeekk
My ouchie ... :(
Oh well it looks nastier now that's healing up... seriously.... i think i'm getting rabies.... AHH!!
Just a smile
I find it hard to reconcile,
My mind to the fact that just a smile,
A kind word said to edify,
A song to still an infant’s cry,
A task that can seem so very small,
Something you’d rather not do at all,
Obedience to the will of the King,
Some joy that a little note brings,
Or a hug, a kiss, and sweet affection,
Can help us see past imperfections,
So it’s true that we should use love more,
And as we do, we’ll see it opens a door,
To a better life, like heaven here,
When all together in love we draw near,
To the Master who alone can show us the way,
But He is faithful, if we will pray,
You’ll see it is well worth your while,
And in others will oft’ be reflected your smile.
--By Chris... :)
Happy birthday Rick! I hope this year is the most amazing, most incredible birthday ever!... and not only the day but the whole year in itself! wish you the best (cause that's what you deserve!) Love you!
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