You're the best of my friends
The coolest of the coolest ever
An angel only heaven sends
Yeah, we've known each other forever
Through the laughter and tears
You’ve been with me all the way
The friendship through the years
Has only grown stronger each day
You have been a ray of light
The brightest sun beam of my day
All throughout my darkest night
You assured me that it'll be okay
Angels like you are rare in kind
The type that really carry you through
And I thank God I was able to find
In this terrible world... someone like you!
Sandy, you have no idea of how much I value our friendship, its' been 10 years that would have really sucked without you there! (Oh how time flies by) I just wanted to say thanks :) for every bit of support you've shown me, for being there for me all this time, for actually trying to understand a maniac like me :P
I love you girly!! You are one of a kind! Keep going for the Lord!
… Did I mention… you loved me enough to adopt me! :P
Darling I thank YOU for being a friend to me. Its hard I know. Ughh that's nonsense...I only know of one maniac..ok and that's me. I think you were the first friend I ever had. I love you darling and I hope we'll continue with this friend ship for many many more years.
Love you tons baby.:*
wowo buggy hahahha LOVE U FOREVA TILL JESUS COMES BACK U R SOOO COOL AND SUPPA RAD lUV U TILL DA END AND U KNOW DATS FOR SHO!! xooxoxoxo u sexy girl love u like jesus luvz ya bless ur lil soul u rock ahhah
Whoa!! Thanks!! anonymous... whoever u are... btw... WHO ARE YOU!?!
WOW i luv ur poem its sooooooo nice!in think it really sweet. u shud keep doing stuff like that. BTW if u wanna know who i am look fr me on echo my username is Tan!
Wow:) I almost feel deprived not having been able to have this wonder-woman Sandy as MY friend! :-P
Sandy you sound like a good friend--a real gem!
GBY! and...(whisper)ILY! :D
What a recommendation from a friend; you must deserve it!
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