I'll be yours if you'll be mine
Oh shit, I already used that line
how about will you be mine?
dammit! such unoriginal valentine--Me
I like your hair
i dislike your nose
your pants are squared
and your butt looks gross
Hahah! Jk JK!!! Happy valentines... :D--Johnny
I would send you chocolates but that'd give you pimples...
i'd give you roses but they'd die before getting to you...
i'd write a poem but i can't think of something to say...
so i'll just wish you a happy valentines the way i do...
happy valentines...
(i'd flash you on the webcam but your internet is so slow). -- Me
Valentines is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make you feel like shit!!!!--Johnny
If cupid already shot a dart
at your vulnerable heart
Is a lucky son of a... door...man :D
JK! Happy valentines!-- Me
If flowers make you feel better
I'd send one with a letter...
but i'm just a poor tramp
who can't afford a stamp
so I send you this offline
to wish you a happy valentine.--Me
I can't say something that'll make you feel better
but if you're in love with someone... go get her!
I sure wish you the very bestest of luck
oh no... i just got stuck...
well happy valentines! :D--Me
Happy Valentinees day!!!!
ahahahahah..I love Jews!
i like this one best.its nice and down-to-earth,nice,sweet,and sensible(and its explains me best!!)love you Ali!
If flowers make you feel better
I'd send one with a letter...
but i'm just a poor tramp
who can't afford a stamp
so I send you this offline
to wish you a happy valentine.--Me
If I had power to stop the world,
And make it spin aright,
If I could re-design the sky,
For a more symmetric night,
I'd leave things just the way they are,
And be glad to talk to you,
For perfect comes never...but love,
Is this life's one and only glue.
...It's true.:)
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