


Methinks I will make this a weekly post... when Sunday nights or sometimes Saturday nights i can't sleep and I'm too tired to lie down to sleep, and my dad's too lazy to take the pc away.... (thankfully).
As of now I have to say this week has been one of the longest... maybe its cause I have missed talking to my 'future guy' or maybe its the fact that I miss all of you and my conversations (over the chat or elsewhere) sum up to no more then 3-5 mins at a time... its kinda frustrating and wow... another week has gone by...
Its been dreadful but i am thankful it is all over....
Oh oh I just finished watching Star Trek! its soo awesome!!! if you haven't seen it, you better!! i love the story line and i have to say graphics totally rocked it!! whohooo...
okei i'm gone mad again... midnight lunacy you know... :D oho and its full moon tonight so i will be on my bed thinking... maybe writing... dreaming of all you .... (one of you in particular ;;) okei nighty nights i gotta turn in the pc before its confiscated tomorro (or in the morning ... gee i dunno what to call it :D) I have to say... I love you! :)
And now its time for a cup of tea.....


MJ said...

ahhh I know...gosh even TODAY is long enuf..I mean gosh today was my weird(maybe bad) day...sigh

Chris said...

Yes that does sound tough... but thank you for posting this lunacy:)
If madness is gladness--amen?
(and I need to see Star Trek again, I've seen a TON of them but not for about 6 months gosh!)
I saw that moon by the way...and my thoughts told a similar tale :)

And last but not least, I love the tea pic! It makes more-than-good sense!

Kwan said...

Last night the moon was red,freaky to think something bad might have happened to someone somewhere,I vow next time we talk it'll be like a 2 hour debate or something like that!I swear it on all my honor!! Love you Estie!

Alice J. said...

Ooh Its the new star trek you should see ... ahh i loved it!! :D
Oh Kwan, man, i said we'd voice chat on monday and i overslept... ugh i feel so bad now... but maybe some other day? Love you guys!

Chris said...

You're SO right I realized that after I posted the comment ha dumb me...yes I did see it it was GREAT! good graphics and good acting...

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