

Bored... :D

well ... what can I say?
Yeh I have to say things have been really, annoyingly busy.... but I sorta like it that way cause when i'm not busy I get bored... but no worries... guess who's here to soothe the boredom for a while? :D:D CAMERAAHH :D:D:D hoho yehh I have pictures of (well the only person i can take pictures of...) My dad! :D hahah nahh I have pics of meeee! so.... without further ado.... tadaah... ;)
just look at the eyebags....
Sandy thanks for the delicious necklace ;) hehe
The eyes.... they'll eat you!!
the boo...k :D:D  
quackie says shh!
both tired and bored.... zzzz
Bite my lip and close my eyes....
sorta blurry...
this is the smile he places on my face.... 'he' knows who he is :)

 ahh well that was yesterday .... right now ... I am sick :( grr yeah I have a cold.... (and I look like rusold the red nosed asshole :D)  it happens when the whole drill of being up late and waking up early for... gasp a week!!! its bee ONE WHOLE WEEK now... eekk! Today I woke up at 5:30 am... no exag... we had this appointment at 6 and we had to be there on time.... right now its 9 pm and i'm dead tired... altho I DID have 2 full cups of coffee..... :D:D heheh so yes, one more week... hopefully I'll be better tomorrow and for now, the drill continues.......



Um.... huh?

So I have to apoligize I haven't been able to post anything decent while here on the road but i promise that as soon as i can I will TRY... :D:D for now I have this pic i took while out shopping... we went to the juice section and from an angle i saw what the label on the juice really meant... see it for yourself... :D
:O:O yeah I think that's what diet juice is really for.... to make you DIE!!!


I'm alivee!!

....At least I think I am last night I felt like a Zombie .... no wait make that all afternoon long till the night till i got to sleep.... gash... I'll tell you whay in a min,...
pre note... youre gonna have to like forgive the spelling errors... this is kinda annoying cause i'm typinin in a hurry :D:D
So to make this (what can be a long post...) sorta short i'll just post my thoughts on each day I've been travelling... :D
So to explain the trip... every about 6 months... we have to come up tot he states to renew the car visa (we use an american car) so by the way we go see contacts and take a couple of weeks. so this is my road trip so far....
Day 1.... travelling.... yawn.... well I didn't get up at 5 like i thot i would ... i got up like at 6 and we left till like 8:00.... whay?
cause we kinda overslept and sorta stuff like that (and you know last minute things like my toothbrush). So travelling we made great time like 9hours instead of the usual 12... :D:D wohooo for my dad :) I had this headache but hey that's kinda normal... cause we woke up early and i didn't take my 2 hour long nap... :D cause i can't sleep while were travelling cause i get motion sickness.... but it's good I enjoyed all the scenery wchich was awesome but i couldnt take pics cause my cam is retartded but i did take these ones...
the mexican tree.... :P

and a really big mountain...
that was on the road then the battery died and i couldn't take any mor ebut the views were... breathtaking! :)
had a few stops for bathroom, gas and snacks but it went well it was pretty good! we got here before nightfall and went to pick up some material we had at this home we went to sleep like at 11.... not so bad.... :D
Day two.... lalala "The day is just as good as you make it" well i made my day ok... i think.... it all went well we saw some ppl. and it was pretty smooth TYJ! :D we went to sleep at 12... eek! \
Day three... yikes... So we woke up at 6 am... need ot get ready for the day... had this appointment at 7 so we have, must be ready. everything was good for the rest of the day except i didn't take coffee  so after 2 pm... i was tired! really tired!!! I needed my 2-hr long nap... and i didn'tget it so I was like a Zombie... well the rest of the day was fine
as for now... Iths the 4th day and things are going good... i now am able to take the time for checking mail and responing anf chatting for a bit.... hope to see you all soon... and i'll try to post more stuff :D



I'll be leaving tomorrow ... early ... like a bird. We're leaving sometime before 6 which means i'm gonna be up around 5-ish eww....
Thankfully our business here is NOT finished.... BUT.... its finishable after we come back.... and I'll make this huge post about what the whole deal was about... :D:D but for now... I might not post in some time... then i might post a lot.... I'll see what I can do with te time that will be granted for me....
Right now its past 2:30 pm and I feel like going back to bed... its not good cause i won't be able to sleep at night
.... (with a dramatical 300 voice...) TONIGHT, WE DINE IN ... my house :D hehe you're all invited to my non-birthday party i'll have when we get back :) who-hoo...
As of now....


A word of counsel to the wise...

You may not be her first, her last, or her only.
   She loved before she may love again.
But if she loves you now, what else matters?
She's not perfect, you aren't either,
  and the two of you may never be perfect together
but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice,
and admit to being human and making mistakes,
hold onto her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you
every second of the day, but she will give you a part of
her that she knows you can break-- her heart.
So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze  
and don't expect more than she can give.
Smile when she makes you happy,
let her know when she makes you mad,
  and miss her when she's not there.
                                                                     -Bob Marley.


I'm Here!!

Yeah I'm here! gah... I shouldn't but I am... My road trip was postponed till Monday cause some stuff cam up and we had to stay home for the weekend... this is another week postponed...
(Yay?)  I don't think so... altho I do get a fun Saturday with the scouts (I'll tell you later about that...) I have tests tomorrow... so I'm cramming my head with Physics! Physics for god's sake! this is pathetic... and literacy... Me, the one illiterate person the world decided to have... Studying literature... ironic (I'm sure I'll fail again... ) but hey maybe Mr. Newton decides to come pay me a visit and help me understand those (almost ridiculously simple) laws he somehow thought about inventing.... and who knows? maybe Mr. Moliere will think about joining him... :D (Yeah guys I DID read the books... and still am)
Oh anyways... I have some pictures i was intending to post a few weeks ago.. guess i only got around to it today :D
Enjoy.... ;)
The one girl in green (Oh wth? we're both in green... :D) Yeah the one that's not (obviously) me is my baby sis... how baby-is is she? cuters!
Right now there IS someone I'm craving for ;;)

Possible next profile pic... will have to think about it

What can I say? like the tan lines? :D

Omg...  wtf?

I Miss ... him.. :)
So whaddaya think? Happy I stayed home the weekend for these? :D



I guess this sort of goes with the other post... "I think" .... Loved the video and loved the song... :)

.... I got a heroo... running inside mee......


So anyways...

Its past midnight again... well yes, it has been some time since i posted any midnight madness for you guys... but now i got the chance...
Well first things first.... I've been trying to post since yesterday... but the pc keeps on overheating and going off and losing all my work... great so lets start from scratch.... 
Just look at him... isn't he the cutest ever?! :)
About William.... Most of you guys know about my nephew who's had an odd skin disease he was born with and has been in the hospital for a while. And I want to thank all of you who have been praying for his situation, it has meant a lot to me!
well for now he has been out of the hospital (for about 5 days) and TTL he has been recovering amazingly. He can now wear clothes... :) (which in my opinion is great progress... :D) and he's the cutest of babies! I just can't wait to meet him (not sure when i will be able to... but I know I will). I need you guys to keep praying for him and for the lord to completely heal him from this skin thing...

Something else... yesterday we watched this movie called "the lovely bones"... it was incredible... kinda strange but it has a meaning. i still dunno if i liked it or not... but i know it left an impression in me...
Its about this girl who gets kidnapped and raped and killed and how she watches how everything on earth happens while she's gone and she watches her killer get ready for killing again.... :O:O I liked the end... :D endings are always good... maybe cause in the whole movie they make you really hate the villain that you want him dead and in the end he dies and you're happy... :D heh... well i'm never going into a corn field or talk to creepy neighbors again! EVER!
So anyways... M' trip has been postponed a few days and hopefully we'll be able to get my pc fixed before we leave or something... I hope it all works out... I dunno about my school anymore cause all of my school is inside my laptop and well... yeah... I have tests the 15-16 but i dunno if i'll be here to take them...
About the weather... Its scorching HOT! seriously... as hot as you can't sleep at nighttime at all because of the heat!! I wake up and i take a cool shower and go back to bed... SWEATING!... this is crazy... just totally crazy... I was out today with my dad doing some OR and i looked at the thermometer... 103 Fahrenheit.... WTF?! later on it cooled down a bit.... it got clouded and I missed my sunset :( and it didn;t ever rain!! I hope to god it rains soon!! WE NEED RAIN!!! (Oh i know I'm going outside right now and do the 'rain dance' and dance till it pours over! wanna join?!)



Well as to another one of my late-night posts :) I will put somehting I 'stumbled upon' tonight... it thought it was hilarious... jut the thought of doing these things got me laughing histerically.....

How to tick people off!
  1. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors."
  2. Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO."
  3. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.
  4. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.
  5. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up."
  6. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think."
  7. Practice making fax and modem noises.
  8. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss.
  9. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.
  10. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
  11. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears and grimacing.
  12. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room.
  13. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
  14. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."
  15. Staple pages in the middle of the page.
  16. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.
  17. Honk and wave to strangers.
  18. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints at the cash register.
  20. type only in lowercase.
  21. dont use any punctuation either
  22. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
  23. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times.
    "Never mind, it's gone now."
  24. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
  25. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce "No, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.
  26. Ask people what gender they are.
  27. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.
  28. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
  29. Sing along at the opera.
  30. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.
  31. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."


I think....

You know what I think? I think I have a double life... :D I think I'm a nightitme superhero... which explains the whole 'being tired all day long, and taking looong naps in daytime" :D:D
Weell I have no way to prove my bruises i wake up in the morning with (since i'm supposed ot be slepeing with a fluffy pillow....) or my long naps at daytime or faiting for exhaustion.... :O could it be? it if would be true it would be a double-personality thing.... and I wouldn't know of it...
HAhahah ok ok...I can almost hear Sandy tell me... "Ester, too much Smallville..." hahaha ok enough about this whole deal.... I'm tired... gonna sleep :)
Now that's a superhero i wouldn't mind being at night... :)

Too much drama

I passed out today... I have no idea why or how that happened... but it did... Heh just thought I'd write about it... just for your entertainment :)
So I've been working on our newsletter for days now! its been kinda frustrating but now i finally got it and its ready for printing... my dad usually writes up the english version and i translate it all to spanish... it takes me a couple days to have it final. But now i'm done and there is one slight problem... we have no working printer!! how great is that?
We've been going around with some friends who own printing shops and a couple of them have agreed to help us with some copies... its not a lot but at least they're willing to help. Today we went to see these people and pick up the copies. It was scorching hot... I looked at the thermometer... 95 farenheit (about 32 celcius)... crazy huh? So i go in to the last copy place we had to go to, and man its like 20 degrees hotter than outside.... seriously!  So I stay there... 30 mins... I start getting dizzy... I need air! I go out and breathe for like 5 mins... and go right back in (process repeated about 5 times) and the last time i did that... BAM! heat hit me like i dunno what,... but it did.... i went and told my dad, "you know i;m not feeling so good..." and he;s like "yah i;ll download it..." i repeat "I;M NOT FEELING GOOD!" and he;s like "woah,... what's wrong?" I say "i'm super dizzy,..." I put my head on a desk and the room goeas round... i can't stand and then i don't know what heppened.... next thing i know is i;m sitting on a bench and there's like all these ppl. around me saying things like "she;s soo pale"  and "oh here drinnk some coke" I was soo thankful for that coke!!! it got me back to life almost right away! I went to the bathroom and i looked like a sheet of paper.... I felt soo bad!
so anyways I felt better and stuff.... the guy thought i was pregnant... unless "the spirit of the lord came upon me" that would be technically impossible. but.... good thing is i'm better now :D TYJ... at the moment all i could think of was... "this is gonna pass and i will feel better soon... i have to!" and thankfully coke sorta got me back to life.... my blood pressure was down... i guess i COULD come up with explanations but that would take too long for me and this post... IS LONG!!  haha last thing the guy told me was..." take care of yourself... and eat right!" ahhahaha nobody eats better then mee!! :D:D ok not really but i DO eat right!
ok just pray nothing like that happens while i'm on the road... I really can't afford it...
So if that's not drama... i dunno what it is....and I will be doing my best to 'take care of myself and eat right' its good councel! :)
and if anything happens to me.... just so you know... I LOve yu guyss... :):)


Hello virtual world :)!

This is my first... of i hope not many... post written in someone elses' computer...

What happened: so I have been experincing techincal difficultues with my pc lately... the battery died a few weeks ago... and now my cable is not working... it won't work... so my bro grabs it and breaks it and ugh yeah i have no way to keep my pc on anymoe... great!
So I now need a new cable... seems like my dad doesn't want to get a new one but repair the old one... dunno how that's gonna work cause i am fully convinced it is beyond repair.
On another topic: I am going on a road trip for three weeks... I'm not exactly sure when we're leaving but i suspect sometime this weekend... or later on i dunno Pray for me, as I am kinda lazy and these kinds of trips wear me out A LOT!
So anyways: I will miss you guys and being able to talk to you during the time my pc is under repair and when i go to this road trip.... but I will be able to go online from time to time ... not as much as i would like to i know... but I will try to keep you guys u posted on my stuff k? Oh... and Send offlines!! I'll try to answer them as soon as i can!


A year ago...

Yeeaahh!! Sandy's just as crazy as always! :) and that there... is MY BUM! OK!? only like 2 persons in this planet can have it.... Sandy being one and the other one..... :D hehehehe yeah enjoy the view of my craziness!

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