....At least I think I am last night I felt like a Zombie .... no wait make that all afternoon long till the night till i got to sleep.... gash... I'll tell you whay in a min,...
pre note... youre gonna have to like forgive the spelling errors... this is kinda annoying cause i'm typinin in a hurry :D:D
So to make this (what can be a long post...) sorta short i'll just post my thoughts on each day I've been travelling... :D
So to explain the trip... every about 6 months... we have to come up tot he states to renew the car visa (we use an american car) so by the way we go see contacts and take a couple of weeks. so this is my road trip so far....
Day 1.... travelling.... yawn.... well I didn't get up at 5 like i thot i would ... i got up like at 6 and we left till like 8:00.... whay?
cause we kinda overslept and sorta stuff like that (and you know last minute things like my toothbrush). So travelling we made great time like 9hours instead of the usual 12... :D:D wohooo for my dad :) I had this headache but hey that's kinda normal... cause we woke up early and i didn't take my 2 hour long nap... :D cause i can't sleep while were travelling cause i get motion sickness.... but it's good I enjoyed all the scenery wchich was awesome but i couldnt take pics cause my cam is retartded but i did take these ones...
the mexican tree.... :P |
and a really big mountain... |
that was on the road then the battery died and i couldn't take any mor ebut the views were... breathtaking! :)
had a few stops for bathroom, gas and snacks but it went well it was pretty good! we got here before nightfall and went to pick up some material we had at this home we went to sleep like at 11.... not so bad.... :D
Day two.... lalala "The day is just as good as you make it" well i made my day ok... i think.... it all went well we saw some ppl. and it was pretty smooth TYJ! :D we went to sleep at 12... eek! \
Day three... yikes... So we woke up at 6 am... need ot get ready for the day... had this appointment at 7 so we have, must be ready. everything was good for the rest of the day except i didn't take coffee so after 2 pm... i was tired! really tired!!! I needed my 2-hr long nap... and i didn'tget it so I was like a Zombie... well the rest of the day was fine
as for now... Iths the 4th day and things are going good... i now am able to take the time for checking mail and responing anf chatting for a bit.... hope to see you all soon... and i'll try to post more stuff :D