I'm done with this most amusing, extensive, epic, frustrating, fun, interesting, incredible, boring, exhausting, annoying, good, and whatnot... trip...
it wore me out... sleeping in a room with a shower (only cold water) and a toilet to call bathroom, it all came in a package promotion with: fun, coffee, waking up early and sleeping late at night, incredible heat (for me), business, food, ice cream, cars, motorbike rides, donations, expenses, car repair, friends and... whew... its over... I'm done... :D
I did sorta take some pictures :) just to fill in for the things I will not say... picture = 1000 words right? so here we gow....
This being the room where we slept... |
Normal temperatures.... |
Random Shot |
Mirror view... |
And more mirror... |
In pink :D |
Random McDonald's package... |
Oh oh, We also went all the way Up to San Antoniooo!! which mean i got to see him!! I met him!!! um.... yea in this case 'he' being my nephew ... William! :) :) (the EB baby)... He is (and I must say this) THE MOST ADORABLE BABY EVERR!! OK?! and don't contradict me :D he IS! and just lemme show you :)....
Look at those eyes!! you cannot resist them! |
I made him happy :D:D |
With mommy :) |
sooooo yeah on the way back it was actually pretty cool... we had a lot of fun stuff going on and yeh TYJ i survived ::D:D ... Stll alive....
yeh... these are on the way back....
Yeh they're hot nuts... THE BEST!!! |
mmhhmm it was lunchtime :D |
ummm.... me :D |
Army checkpoint.... |
ok... optical illusion... I see a heart :D |
Lets just pretend you were looking at the cheetos and not at my.... yeh :D |
Weeelll Yeah.... I'm here and that's what ;)
Cheerz!-- A.J.
YUMMMERS! I know those HOT NUTS! EE! Yesh so yumm but makes ur fingers all red...but it's fun to lick em so I forgive the nutters and the redddd they shed:P
Ur sooo cute! I love ur eyes in the last pic! And you just look ADORABLE in pinkkk! hehe! and liking the HAIR! OOo! ANd the 'random shot' one ...SEXIII~!
P.S. ONe more thing...! Nice picture of the mirror view of the sun set! PRETTINESS!
Hahahaha "and not my..."
Sorry, I have to say, BOOOBIEEEES!!!
Awww you're lil' baby nef is sooo adorable! Waa! Jesus, touch and heal him completely so I can hug him and squish his cheeks.
Ok Meggy yes you were the first--what of it? :-P
I was out witnessing at the FIFA World Cup so I apologize for being late...:D
I will add a guy's perspective to this post if you lovely ladies don't mind.
Es you look waaaaaaaay too sexy even for me to look at this post a second time...wow!
I think your eyes in the last pic look...well...naughty...but nice. :-P
And (gulp) I admit I looked at the cheetos only after your...yeah GBY Windy you can get away with actually saying it lol!
We'll keep praying for William fo' sure and keep us posted (literally :)
..but you will look at the post again. -grins-
Wuah! I never took a look at his adorable eyes! -stares and stares- WUahaha, ester.. I'm such a pervoo! I looked at your boobs for like..-looks at her watch- yes...15 seconds. -looks at them agian with envy-
hahaha, I love it how you always have a camera and ramdomly take pictures of everything :* mwuaah!
and I agree with meggers. That mirroow shot! Was wayyy to amazing.
-hides under head bed and eats a bunana-
Gulp yes here I am again...I'm a real Adam type guy--resisting temptation is...tiring:-P
Sandy you are crazy I agree...but I still think I might've beat you in staring...sorry babe
Steph can you stop reading my mind--:D
PS yes you are a photographer Es I agree!
ahahaha fineee...you were out doing a good deed...I forgive! :P
Sandy our eyes are awesome me thinks~! we spot the same picture and think it great! :D Mannn I miss youuuuu!
Oh Estie! I had fun talking to you (along with me wuv and Joel~! :P)
I MISS ALL OF YOU! oh gosh I even Miss Chris -sob sob- haahahahhahaha Ester come give me a hug I have adventures to tell you about!
Its all about eskimos weird monkeys, annoying fat chickens and sigh, times when I wish you were here. MEGS I LOVE YOU SHEESSH! Stop being a pancake and let's voice chat :P
hahahaha Sandy RIGHT...NOT FUNNY! :-P
wow that is REALLY weird I'm sorry...guess that's what I get for reading your message to other ppl
Hahaha, aww Chrissie, don't be madders at me ;;). FINE! I don't miss you!! >:P
-goes and hugs a tree-
-beams that everyone is happy now-
HAhah I see the irony in this Sandy.... shh he don't know about "The tree thing" :P lol!
Chris, be nice to the ladies ;) ... Oh and BTW.... its normal to stare at my boobies ...i mean most guys do that... and get a punch after the first 5 seconds... but don't worry... I THINK i'll forgive you.... just cause Sandy likes you :P
Ohh gosh Megs!! You and Josh are like soo adorable!!! I lov yu that was actually fun! :P:P we should do that more often!
Sandy .... I'm coming ... it hink goshh Its hectic here really but i'll see if i can call you kay?
I love yu all! hoho you make my blog so fun! :D:D
hahahaha, i love this blog and all the ppl who post on it.
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