

As of now...

It's insane! A barely 12:30 pm and I'm falling asleep on my keyboard. Yes, studying does tire you and a few days of the intense comeback to school and man I'm dying! I don't think I'm made for this. Everyone keeps asking me, "Oh you're almost done High School? Where you gonna go after that?" I love the looks on their faces when I say with stars in my eyes, "Africa." -confusion- and then recovery... "No, I meant what university or college? What career will you study?" I saw this coming... "Cooking!" -grins- This is where they go on about their kid and how he wants to studying cooking too and blah blah ... "Wait a minute... Africa?" yeah you're catching on....
Truly in life, I would love to be a lot of things and study well.. everyhting! I want to know it all! Sure, I could list you an ENORMOUS list of career that seem interesting, fun, helpful and well.. all that. Things like Architecture, Music, Medicine, Graphic design, Photography... Its all useful and its awesome to be a pro at any of those things... its just the time that one needs to invest that kills me... I'm not made for studying... I really am not...
As of now.... I'm going to nap...


Anonymous said...

That's why it's smart to take a year or two off to travel and find more about what you really want before you jump into anything... everyone's felt burnt out from school at one time or another... ;-)

strophicus said...

i took a gap yr myself after high-school. and looking back am happy with the decision i took! cooking... hmm, i suck at it big time. i'd love to love cooking but apparently i don't! what's one thing u'd do if the salary was paid only in happiness... tht's the job u should opt for. shall i join u in africa trip;)

Alice J. said...

Heheh Yes I agree... I do need a couple of years off to clear my poor mind...
@Stroph (if you do't mind me calling you so) No worries... not eveyrone was made to excell at cooking.. that's what restaurants are for :D
The thing i'd do if I only got happiness for a paycheck... Cooking :D and Helping people who need it... there is no measure in the happiness and the feeling of satisfacion when you see the look in their eyes... it makes everything worth it! (which explains my trip to africa)

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