

Missin' You

Missin' You

My heart holds a special feeling for you
Lately in my dreams you have been
‘Cant understand but I know it’s true
Even if it’s clearer than water has ever been

Love is the greatest thing in heaven or earth
But love isn’t love without you
Love can wash away all doubt or hurt
That’s why for me, love is you!

I don’t know what the future may hold
But love lasts forever,
Yes I have been told,
Love is forever

Forever can be an eternity with you
And always can be forever
Yet this life won’t last forever
But an eternity will do

I love you more than words can say
Probably more than love can be
You should know it’s harder each day
To fight the love within me

To do or to be, is something difficult to choose
But I choose to give you my love, my heart my mind
Even if the heart is a thing too valuable to loose
Or too hard to search, and harder to find
It’s far harder to keep it from you, no use
It’s far better than to act blind

I miss you far more than distance can keep us apart
Even if you’re far away, you’re still dear to my heart
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Fun times..

So Sandy and Sue finally decided to visit me!! :) oh and pictures were a must hehe...

Johnny... :D

...But the prettiest will always be
Sandy!! :P

Group Shot!
We were carrying Sue!
(Lov u girly!)

P.S, Sandy, please oh please let me keep this post!! :D


Screw you?? Screw me!!

I had a great laugh when Amy (11) my 'baby sister'(not so baby anymore), came up to my mom one day with a handful of screws and said "Mum, Esther's been dropping these all over." and Johnny (12) just added (in the most innocent tone) "Well that would explain her funny behavior."

Be Yours...


I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine,
Nothing can separate my heart from thine,
Together they are meant to be,
There is no ¨I¨ or ¨you¨ but I’d rather ¨we¨,

But now I find myself missing you too much,
I just couldn't imagine myself as such,
As one who loves in spite of the hurt and shame
And a heart in love one can never blame,

I have felt many a tear rolling down my cheek
Somehow my strength has become weak
Can’t help but cry myself to sleep
Too late to give up now, I’m in too deep

I never imagined how far love can reach,
And how much these lessons could teach,
It’s hard to imagine life without you
I don’t know what I would do
To feel the way I feel when I’m with you.
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I know I’m not perfect and neither will I try to be
‘Cause if I do, I’m afraid I just won't succeed,
But I’ll just be myself for you to try and see,
I'll ask you to dance and I’ll let you lead,
I don't care if you think you'll do the wrong deed
‘Because everything that'll happen will be okay,
And I promise if anything wrong, I’ll take no heed
‘Cause I know I will love you for longer than today.

I can't promise forever ‘cause it's not mine to give,
And I know what you might just say,
But I’ll remember you for as long as I live,
Cause special people have a special day,
And it's never going to be forgotten,
And it really doesn't matter what you do,
Even if this feels so darn rotten,
I’ll remember this night for you.

If you ask me to kiss you I will,
I’ll do my best to go beyond expectations,
Although I’ll try to just shut up and chill,
I think I’m going to try your patience,

Maybe you'll think I’m just plain crazy,
But I love you without limits or time,
Hey baby you look so darn tasty,
Can I ask you to please be mine?
Will you stay up with me all night?
I promise to love you if you do,
And even if you don't, I won't fight,
Can I say it enough? I really love you!

I'll understand if you say that you need space,
I’ll give you all the space you need,
I can set up my very own special place,
But please don't leave me there alone to my own greed,
Cause if I stay so all alone here,
And am left to myself looking to the stars above,
I’ll need you to come and take away my fear,
‘Cause my greatest fear is losing your love.

I know this may sound selfish and maybe I am,
But I want you for myself and no one else can,
Dammit honey I want you as my man,
But I’ll share you, if this is what you want,
Although I hope we don't get to this,
We know everything can happen,
But never too serious to get real pissed,
Cause tomorrow we will be laughin'.

Now that I know that you love me as well,
Breathe into me and make this fantasy real,
I really want this cause I love you like hell,
Will you please? Please make me feel,
Feel the warmth of your body on this chilly night,
It’s been raining for so long as I’ve been awake,
I’ll respect your decision to be right,
But Hun, I’d really hate to fake.
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My version of perfection... You!


All day is beautiful as far as it goes,
The wind caresses my face with its soft blows,
Refreshes the scenery and tickles my toes,
Your soft warm hands holding mine,
My fingers play with yours as they intertwine
Pleasure of paradise in your lips is oh so fine,

And the brave outstanding look in your eyes,
My heart containing a feeling that never dies,
And letting go of my worries, my imagination flies,
Can’t stop wishing this was true,
'cause I am really missing you,

Knowing that being with you is all I wan to do,
As my soul waits just waits for you,
And my lips long for nothing else than your kisses,
Cause you're the one my heart misses.
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Teary Eyes...


Teary eyes, cold hands
Warm feeling, terrible pain
Memories small that seem grand
I try to keep my mind sane

Playing music, dancing for the moon
Wild movements control my being
From sunset, sunrise and beyond noon
Hoping, believing, ever seeing

Singing to the sound of falling rain
Crying to be happy and free
Without a bit of the so-called shame
So joyous, more than I’ll ever be

Teary eyes, cold glare
Warm look, terrible sight
As into the empty space I stare
Trying so hard to face the light

Feelings come with seasons
Happiness seems to be drowned
Hatred comes in without reasons
Oh dearest joy, finally found

Emotions and pleasures come
And with the passing days they go
When the sands of time are done
Love and joy will overflow
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(Note:) Okay I knoe it sounds kinda emo and stuff, but I was going through sum though stuff at that time :D (Thankk God I got over it :P)


Holding on...

Holding tight to what i know to be right
I know there's no victory without a fight
But a challenge is always accepted with grace
Even then, i know my fears i have to face
If i had to hold on i'll know,
Or even if you ask me to let go
I'll do it because i love you
And i know you'll pull me though
Cause you've always been there for me
Strong? yes, for you i'll be
But be here when i call
Please don't let me fall
Will you be here at the end of my rope?
Please stay here and be my hope
Help me go on when there's no one to hold on to
Teach me to trust fully in you
Help me to live my life worthy of your love
Send me grace, the special one from above
Teach me to love though the hurt burns like hell
Replace the hate with your forgiveness and well,
After all, that's been going on with me
I'll love you as hard as it may be!
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No Use...


There’s no use trying to hide
What one can't keep inside
But if I show you what I feel
Will you believe it's real?

Cause when things keep going on and on
One might wish they're done
But once you give me a chance
I’ll prove true passion in this romance

There’s no use in trying to contain
The smaller feelings that remain
But if I regret what I say
Will you forgive anyway?

Cause I might say or do stupid things
But when the memory in my head rings
I know I can always come back
I’ll count on you to keep me on track

There’s no use in keeping it all
Cause that would only mark a fall
But if I say that I really do care
Will you promise to be there?

Because I know you can count on this
That when you need my kiss
You’ll have me when you want
And I’ll do even what I can't

There’s no use in holding on
When you're meant to let go and be done
But if I think you might be for me
Will you keep the faith and hope for it to be?

Cause there's much more to faith than hope
But I’ll be there if you ever find end of your rope
And if you need me, anytime of the day
I promise to be there to stay

There’s no use in wanting to keep
Getting out of it, when you're in too deep
But if I run away from thee
Will you come chasing after me?

Cause sometimes I feel oh so afraid
And it all comes out like a wave
But I never meant to hurt you
If I do, please forgive, will you?
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The Loves


Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?
I guess I don't know how to show you I do!
Baby, you did something to me that I can't explain,
Without you, I know things can never be the same.

And although I feel so selfish to have you only to me,
I love you with such passion that everyone can see,
And though you show it in many ways,
I wish I could stay with you always.

Although this sounds crazy to some,
And maybe to you this will be dumb,
But if I don't tell you, I’m afraid I would melt,
And even then I’d tell you how I felt.

I know I’m far from perfect and good,
But heck! I love you like no one really should,
But I just want you to know that even if it was crime,
I swear to god I’ll make you mine!!

Now I know possessive isn't nice and I shouldn't be,
This selfish and keep you only for me.
But I’m willing to share you with others,
As long as you keep on being my lover.

I know that I won't be the only one,
Or be there every time, like I’d said to some,
Cause I only broke those promises with shame,
And took on more pain and took the blame.

But I know that you'll have a piece inside my soul
And even this may sound so... dull
And if together we were meant to be
I’m sure this way it'll be.

But if not, I’ll still love you,
Maybe as a friend maybe not
But as long as he's our glue
Rest assured he'll keep us hot!
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For Jesus


You love me, and you say so
You tell me, you let me know
I feel better than I ever had
In so many ways you make me glad

Take me to your ecstasies of love
Help me rise me up, over and above
You ease away my heavy load
And take me to your royal abode

I meet with you, you're there
Up above, over all, everywhere
Show me your stars, fly me to space
Take me to your heavenly place

Take me to Jupiter, to all its moons
To all the places where your love blooms
Show me every ecstasy unexplainable
Ever in this earth unattainable

Take me into your loving embrace
Away from this world, into your loving gaze
This place of love, freedom, joy and peace
The place where my wild spirit will release

Take me into your arms, stoke my hair
To turn you away? No I would never dare
For you have been more than my all in all
You’ve been there at my every fall

You have wiped away every tear in my cheek
You’ve been my strength when I’m weak
You never held anything against me, no never!
And it's never been I alone, but 'we', together

You never left and you've always been there
To tell me you love me, to show me you care
You’ve been my hero time and time again
Over and over, yes, you've been

There is nothing I can hide from you
You read my every thought you see all I do
You’re there in my good and my bad
You’ve seen me sad, happy, or mad

Yet you still love me without reserve
You prove to be more than what I deserve
And for all of this and much more
Do I love you to the core!

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I just want to dedicate the poetry in this blog to all those hearts who've ever felt the passion of the loves, all those people who know what I talk about when I say love, it's more than an expression, there's far more to love than just what some people limit it to be, as for me I’ve let love rule my life.
Altho these poems were mainly dedicated to timely lovers and some maybe just imaginable, but most of them were dedicated to the most passionate of all lovers: Jesus! I love you all, and I hope they all are a source of inspiration to you as they were for me,

P.S. All of these poems are copyrighted

About... I'll try to keep u guys posted as much as i can... you'll probably see some every day, others once a week... depends on my mood :P

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