


"Study to show thyself approved..." has been lately my motivation for school... School nowadays has been something completely tedious for me, I am given a book and am told to study. But what does it really mean to study?
I read the book and I go apply the exam, but I found out the hard way that reading only isn't really the trick. By the time I got my test scores I had just applied for 5 and I realized I wasn't as smart as I thought i was. I flunked half of them and the other half i passed by minimum score... shame on me.
So this month, I decided to study, no, really study with notes and highlighting all. Damn it takes forever to understand these books in Spanish, when I'm used to doing school in English (altho I dominate Spanish as a native language, its still tedious), and I can hardly concentrate at all... even if I'm in a well-lighted room alone, or listening to music or talking to people, I just can't concentrate on my books... LHM! But Lord willing I'll learn something from this and pass my next tests with flying colors.


Anonymous said...

Aww pwincess, I'll be praying for yuu ;;)

Kwan said...

haha you've written my problem exactly to the letter!!i'll pray for you (could you return the favor?) i love heaps Ali!

Alice J. said...

Sure thing Kwan will do :)

Windy said...

Awww, I hope you do good! Prayer is on the way!!
Thanks for the garlic warning! Never!!!

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